It is basicly an all map player.Only 1 problem: The Pistol is the only unlimited ammo weapon.

Mines work very well for choke-points and gaurding small bases like CP 5 on Felucia. It has a rocket launcher that works for any level, uses could be destoying Republic Tanks or mobs of enimes.

The Assault Battle Droid is probably the best B-1 unit.You could fire this at small groups or Jedi to kill them quickly. The Super Battle droid also has a wrist rocket, although it is far less powerful than a real rocket. The Super Battle Droid have a Tri-Shot which is actually better at a farther range than a very close range, if you want to charge into a mob, then first kill 1 or 2 people with a tri-shot and then switch to the Wrist Blaster for the rest.The CIS have a unique set of units, compared to other factions, Those can be good at some times.Here are some prefered ways to use the units.

According to standards this page will be moved to Strategies: CIS.